The professorship of Microbial Biotechnology offers the following courses:
Bachelor courses Chemische Biotechnologie (CBT), Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (Nawaro) and Bioökonomie (BÖ)
- Grundlagen Biologie (Vorlesung) (WZ1603)
- Einführung in die Zell- und Mikrobiologie (WZ1929)
- Molekularbiologie und Gentechnik (Vorlesung) (WZ1933)
- Seminar für wissenschaftliches Arbeiten für Studenten und Doktoranden (Prof. Blombach) (LV-Nr: 0000004379 / 0000000610)
- Aktuelle Literatur der Mikrobiellen Biotechnologie (LV-Nr: 0000004875 / 0000004955)
- Grundlagen Biologie (Übung) (WZ1603)
Lab courses:
- Praktikum Mikrobiologie (WZ1930)
- Molekularbiologie und Gentechnik (Praktikum) (WZ1933)
- Forschungspraktikum Bachelor Pflichtmodul (WZ1943)
- Grundlagen Biologie (Praktikum) (WZ1603)
Master courses Chemical Biotechnology (CBT) and Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (Nawaro)
- Angleichung Biologie (LV-Nr: 0000005477)
- Applied Microbiology and Metabolic Engineering (lecture) (CS0007)
- Plant Biotechnology (CS0018)
- Resolutionof Microbial Metabolism (CS0017)
- Seminar for scientific working for students and Ph.D. students (Prof Blombach) (LV-Nr: 0000004379 / 0000000610)
- Current Topics of Microbial Biotechnology (LV-Nr: 0000004875 / 0000004955)
- Plant Biotechnology (Seminar) (CS0018)
- Advances in Synthetic Biology (CS0179)
Lab courses:
- Forschungspraktikum Master (CS0014)
- Applied Microbiology and Metabolic Engineering (lab course) (CS0007)
Detailed information on specific courses can be retrieved from the TUMonline platform under “courses”.
For research internships, and Bachelor and Master theses please contact us! Topics for bachelor and master theses are assigned continuously.